Martha Clark Scala
CREATIVE WORKS: blog writing/articles feel'better'resources visual'art
• solace for surrender
• de-staggering strategies
• letting go
• bereavement
• risk-taking & safety
• prompts for joy
resources for managing challenges and cultivating joy
Even though I am now retired from my psychotherapy practice, I offer resources as a community service to those who want to feel better or have more joy in their lives. This is not a substitute for counseling or other support that you might need to get through a difficult time. I hope you will consider seeking a counselor, pastor, or grief support group if you need help feeling better.
Some struggles are universal. The following resources address commonly reported challenges faced by those who want to feel more joyful.
Check out Solace for Surrender if you need to restore serenity in the face of difficulties such as an unfortunate medical diagnosis or a major loss.
If you are overwhelmed, try some of these De-Staggering Strategies.
Try this if you are confused about what Letting Go means.
If you wonder what the difference is between depression and Bereavement, this might help you understand the distinctions.
If you are risk-averse, take a look at these provocative reflections about Risk-Taking and Safety.
And if you need a good laugh or an “aaaaah” of inspiration, check out my collection of Prompts for Joy. These brief videos should bring cheer.