Fading of Presence
Our fascination and fixation with screens is eroding our ability to give something or someone our undivided attention.

Arboreal Wisdom
Poetry is meant to be read out loud!
My invitation to you, this month, is to read the following poem out loud ... and notice the effect . .

Go Ahead and Laugh
March, 2021 How Elusive the Moment Can Be Yup, that’s exactly what I did. I laughed out loud right there on Doran Beach as others...

A Lesson from Dr. Goat
Caregivers need care. We need each other. What better time to be reminded of this?

Jingle All the Way?
What if there’s a jingle that could lift your spirits rather than annoy the heck outta you?

When Antidotes Are Needed
When Words Don't Suffice: This is no magic pill, but rather a slight antidote that may help you cultivate and sustain hope for the future.

Empty Out!
Worse sleep = everything seems harder. Better sleep = greater potential for feeling joy.
How do you empty out for a better sleep?

Dwell on the Awe-Ful
Perhaps our challenge, right now, is to figure out how to dwell on the awe-ful even though so much that is occurring is awful and wretched.

When Teflon is Needed
Expect flak as a natural consequence of growth. Why? Because most people don’t really like change.

Should Isn’t Always a Dirty Word
Outcomes aren’t always rotten but allowing shoulds to run our lives can be a recipe for misery, resentment, and a lot less joy.

There's Joy in Truth Telling
Sometimes, the only way to keep a job is to stay quiet; I’ll leave that discernment up to you. But I may keep asking, “At what price?”

When a Loved One Disappoints
A clash in needs. Perhaps most disappointments boil down to this: our needs or priorities differ.