When a Loved One Disappoints
A clash in needs. Perhaps most disappointments boil down to this: our needs or priorities differ.

Does a "Proper Goodbye" Exist?
The work of grieving isn’t just to mourn the loss, but to find some kind of blessing, or some kind of agreement with reality . . .

Those Blue Bayou Moments
This is how happenstance can shift a mood. Revisiting a special memory can alter our outlook, too.

Fast Pace, Snail's Pace
What are we missing in this dogged pursuit of efficiency? The personal touch. And no doubt, much more.

Are You Working It?
Taken as a prescription for joy, this slogan reminds us to persist. It can be tough to stick with it, whatever that “it” may be . . .

Bah Humbug to Stoicism
The value placed on stoicism in modern society is a set-up for people to be judged as good or bad.
BAH HUMBUG to stoicism!

A Grateful La-La-La
Don’t you want to just put your fingers in your ears and sing la-la-la sometimes? Wouldn’t it be sweet to block out the disturbing things...

Grief's Surprising Byproduct
This is how grief’s bizarre byproduct was joy. Believe me, there was no joy in letting go of Margo.

Don't Give Up
I will keep on climbing. I believe in the joyful payoff of persistence.

My Mom's Wise Words
If you could make one wish to be transported to a place that fills you with joy, where would that wish take you?

Four Letters That Promote a Long Word
The acronym is JOMO and it stands for the Joy Of Missing Out. Yes, the joy.

Not All Stains Come Out in the Wash
When I hear “it’ll all work out,” I have to stifle a grief-laden angry shout: “yeah, but what if it doesn’t?”